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The careers programmes at Waterfront UTC are designed to support students at each stage of transition and decision-making. They aim to provide students with relevant information to help them make informed choices about their future, and develop their employability skills.

Below is an overview of the areas covered in each year:

Year 9

  • Pupils are taught CEIAG through discrete careers sessions as part of their daily PSHE Programme during Company Time. These sessions inform the pupils about Employability, Workplace Skills, Personal Finance (Avoiding Debt), Navigating Financial Institutions, Human Rights and Responsibilities, Self-discipline and Sustainability. Pupils will also be involved in careers fairs and assemblies. All curriculum areas have clear signposts to what careers can be followed and what can be achieved with the knowledge and skills gained in those areas.

Year 10

  • Pupils will continue to be taught CEIAG through discrete careers sessions as part of their daily PSHE Programme during Company Time. These sessions inform the pupils about Employability, Workplace Skills, Personal Finance (Avoiding Debt), Navigating Financial Institutions, Human Rights and Responsibilities, Self-discipline and Sustainability. Pupils will also be involved in careers fairs and assemblies. All curriculum areas have clear signposts to what careers can be followed and what can be achieved with the knowledge and skills gained in those areas.

    In Year 10, pupils will have one-off educational visits and work experience placements. Pupils will also begin visiting colleges and training providers from their locality to give them a full understanding of what opportunities for education and training are available.

Year 11

  • In Year 11 pupils will begin the application process for the next steps in their education whether it be continuing education at WUTC or with another training provider, through the apprenticeship scheme or securing suitable employment. Pupils will continue to explore opportunities for all the above through experiences of workplaces, encounters with employers, advice from careers advisers and through their ever-developing knowledge of the local labour market. Pupils will have the opportunity to experience mock interviews with education and training providers as well as industry professionals. This is to prepare them for real life experiences and to give them an understanding of how the job application process works. In addition to the above, Year 11 pupils will be offered the opportunity to visit and experience a University setting providing them with an idea of what further opportunities exist beyond college and training. Pupils will also be involved in careers fairs and assemblies. All curriculum areas have clear signposts to what careers can be followed and what can be achieved with the knowledge and skills gained in those areas.

Year 12

  • In Year 12/13 pupils will continue to be taught CEIAG through discrete careers sessions as part of their weekly PSHE Programme during Company Time. This time will be split between PSHE, Careers and Mentoring. Part of the Mentoring Programme will include destinations.

    Pupils will also be involved in careers fairs and assemblies. All curriculum areas have clear signposts to what careers can be followed and what can be achieved with the knowledge and skills gained in those areas.

Year 13

  • In Year 12/13 pupils will continue to be taught CEIAG through discrete careers sessions as part of their weekly PSHE Programme during Company Time. This time will be split between PSHE, Careers and Mentoring. Part of the Mentoring Programme will include destinations.

    Pupils will also be involved in careers fairs and assemblies. All curriculum areas have clear signposts to what careers can be followed and what can be achieved with the knowledge and skills gained in those areas.

    In Year 13 pupils will begin the UCAS application process and through discrete sessions as well as guidance from Company Tutors and the Sixth Form Pastoral Team, all applications will be completed, checked and submitted in a timely fashion as to not disadvantage any student.

Measuring and Assessing the Impact of the Careers Programme

At Waterfront UTC, we understand that excellent Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is critical for young people if they are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.  Every individual student deserves high-quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future.  Here at the UTC, as well as as a taught Careers Curriculum,  we work with a number of agencies to include Medway Council (Enterprise Ambassadors), CKX (Careers Interviews), MEBP (Medway Education Business Partnership) and our Employer Partners who ensure that our students are in a position to make an informed choice surrounding their future beyond the UTC. 

The CEIAG Programme and all partnership agreements are reviewed annually using the CDI National Framework, the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Investor in Careers quality standards. A report is submitted to the Principal and Careers Governor, highlighting any areas that may have been identified for improvement.

Evaluation of the taught CEIAG curriculum is undertaken regularly (termly). All activities that form the careers and enterprise programme are evaluated by the Principal and the information is used to inform planning for the future. The UTC uses evaluation methods, such as observations, questioning as well as questionnaires completed by students and staff after sessions and careers activities

A successful work experience programme has been established at the UTC for Year 10 students, as well as rolling programme in 6th form, facilitated by Employer Partners. Students benefit from being mentored by professions during this process in their desired Specialism. 

The UTC measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme by using a number of benchmarks. Interim reviews for individual programmes take place throughout the academic year with a full review undertake in the Autumn term. 

The next full review will take place in September 2022.